Friday, December 11, 2009

New Year, New Army

Well I've decided that to ring in the new year in style I will be starting a new army. I had mentioned Wood Elves earlier but then I started re-reading A Song of Ice and Fire series by George RR Martin and the idea of knights just stuck into my head. Go figure. So I will be trying to build and paint a 2,000 point Bretonnian army this year, all while starting my marriage, trying to get into law school, working, finding a career, moving home, starting law school, starting a new job and trying to keep my head stuck to my shoulders. I'm either bold or mad, or both, we'll find out. Later today I'm going to sit down with a planner and try to work out a schedule on a weekly and monthly basis to try to stick to. I'll post updates as to how I'm sticking with it. Maybe I'll tell Julie and she'll force me to stick to the deadlines because she is great at keeping me on task.
Won't have much hobby time coming up in the next month or so. Finals are next week so I'll be working on those. More importantly though, a week from tomorrow Julie and I will be getting married! We first started talking about all this more than two years ago so it's crazy to sit here and know that it's only 8 days away! I'm nervous about some things but I am just so excited and happy to be marrying the woman I love! Needless to say, with the wedding and then the holidays right after I won't have much time to work on assembling and painting my toy soldiers.

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